Friday, April 29, 2011

Warmth and Sunshine!

Day three of being on an antibiotic and I can actually finally say that I'm feeling better!  Still having crazy coughing fits off and on and the sinus pressure, if I think about it, is driving me a bit crazy, but I'm just NOT going to think about it, so there nasty sinus bug...  Oh... and sneak attacks of snot trying to roll down my chin isn't appreciated either, but well...  whacha gonna do??  

Or maybe my cheerful mood actually has something to do with the fact that the sun ACTUALLY appeared today.  It's been nearly a week.  And the temps!!!  It got into the 60's!!!  amazing, truly....  I had clothes on the line and my downstairs floors got vacummed and mopped where needed.  Good day!!!  

So this was also the first day this week that I felt well enough to go to the barn.  I missed "my" two crazy horses, Sassy and Cinnamon very much.  Okay...  so the owner name on their paperwork is actually my MiL but there is the odd moment when even she admits that they seem more tuned in with me than her anyway...  Horses seem sort of a very touchy subject between us.  Perhaps she doesn't sense it because she demands to always be right, however....  After working with Sassy and Cinnamon for the past 3 years as well as spending hours observing the herd and horse antics, I do feel I know a thing or two about them as well.  

Up until this move I have groomed them nearly every single day and have been out with them, working them, doing my best to ride (I am definitely NOT a confident rider... YET), and in general just enjoying time spent with them.  This week is probably the longest time I have gone without being with them.  In some ways it was weird to step into the barn, but even before I ducked under the barn rung that keeps the horses out of the bottom part of the barn (where the grain room is!) it all clicked into place.   

My parents in law aren't going to be around tomorrow so I get to go down and get the horses out in the morning as well as bring them back in at night.  The plan was to spend the day down there and go through some of the remaining "piles" and items to figure out what to put towards selling, giving to goodwill or the dreaded keep pile.  I just have to keep telling myself the that keep pile NEEDS to be SMALL!!!  The things I know I have a place for I don't mind bringing, but the things that might just end up in boxes and put into storage... unless there is some serious reason...  WHY do it?  Oh... and I'm thinking here that being sentimental over it doesn't count either, so....  it could be rough.  

Unfortunately, I think Honey is coming down with this head cold mess!!!  It will be terrible if he does.  I am hoping that the two of us can sort of work together to help keep us both on track in this area.  But, we'll wait and see.  Pumpkin also is going to be gone.  She, along with her school class, will be attending the Shrine Circus.  Not for nothing, but to be honest, I really dislike the circus.  The animals just seem so....  I don't know.  I certainly wouldn't want to be poked and prodded my entire life.  Not that fond of clowns, either.  They THINK they are being funny but, really???  

Oh dear, here we go again with the super stuffy nose and watery eyes.  That must be my cue to exit, stage right....  :)


  1. MacKenzie:

    Nice to hear from you. If you want to join us over at my site, click on my icon I left on your blog, which will take you to my site where you can then become a follower and leave a link to your blog. See you there.

  2. MacKenzie:

    I have added your blog site to the list of blogs I follow. Perhaps you will be getting some visitors now.

  3. Thanks, Whit!!! I appreciate the add on. If I get visitors or if I don't anymore... really... (not to be too self centered here) I'm not too concerned as I blog for myself more than anything else. It's sort of my online journal that for whatever reason I let the world read. Maybe that's because I've gotten such awesome points of view from "blogstream past..." :) Cheers!
