Oh dear Divine.... it's only Tuesday???? What a long week it's been so far. Who ever said that moving was fun? I swear, I'd like to find them and rip all their toe nails off.... tee hee.... (eww... okay, actually that's pretty darn gross...) Geesh. My Honey and I just can't seem to get it together. This has been the worst renovation and worst move we have ever made. And believe me... we've made MANY of them.
I swear, when we were first married, we moved at least every 18 months or so for the first 5-6 years. That was actually okay. God, I don't want to think that I'm getting older, but I can't deny the facts.... and it seems the older I become, the longer I want to stay in a place. I don't want to deal with packing up the glasses and moving all the books and figuring out where to put everything anymore. I want to settle. There... I said it. As much as I love a new thing, I want to settle. My roots have been dangling for so long now and I want to sink them in to a place, dig in and enjoy the spot I'm borrowing for now.
I don't get why Honey is making such a fuss. In times past when moving, I unpacked, arranged everything, set everything up for us and he could have cared less. As long as he had his couch, tv and computer, he was a happy camper. Why this time is EVERYTHING such a big frackin deal??? I don't get it. I really don't. Ug.. I don't want to be doing this tomorrow (the moving thing that is, not the blogging... the blogging isn't really that bad..) I suppose... we have our good days and not so good days. With us, today just wasn't one of the better ones.....
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