Monday, April 25, 2011


It seemed to take forever, but finally we are moved in!!!  It feels great.  Over Easter we didn't even bother hiding eggs for the girls.  They are getting sort of old for that anyway at 11, 7, and 7.  Figured we would be hunting enough through boxes trying to find what we needed.  

What craziness.  On the day we moved my MiL took my two oldest to the dr's because they had such a nasty cough and in general weren't feeling well at all.  it worked out well as the youngest, who was a little hesitant to move in (even though she's sharing a room with her twin), was with me and as we moved stuff around and such here, she seemed to love helping out and made the room more "hers".  We call her our Parrot because she could be non-stop talking if you don't distract her and find something else for her to do!!!  Older of the twins (by 2 minutes) is our Monkey.  I think she could live in trees if we let her.  Funny though, she really isn't that much of an outside person.  She has a heart murmur caused by the membrane close to her aortic valve.  She seems to self limit herself.  Should conditions change, she'll have to have surgery, but I don't like to think about it.... so... moving on to our oldest....  Her very first Halloween costume was a pumpkin...  the name just sort of stuck, to her dismay so we often refer to her as Pumpkin.  

Anywhooo....  Pumpkin had strep throat and Monkey's was pretty red, so both got antibiotics. Sunday Parrot and I got up with the itchy throat, cough and well....  we may be on our way to being sick as well.  How frustrating!!!  I really hope this is just allergies.  The trees are really budding here and the pollen count continues to grow.  Parrot can't afford to come down with a cold  because a few years ago she came down with pneumonia which landed her in the hospital for a few days.  It was pretty scary and I don't ever want to have to go through that again!!!  I watch her really closely now when she gets cold like symptoms. 

We continue to wade though the sea of boxes that is our living room and slowly, hopefully, we'll find the floor... someday.  There is still a LOT more at the other house to sort through.  To be honest, I don't want anymore here in the house.  I figure what we have here is what we REALLY want.  I don't want this place to get so cluttered up with "stuff".  I'm really trying to go with the less is more theory, simple living and all that.  We'll wait and see what happens.  I wonder if someday I will look back on this post, read that and start laughing for all I'm worth.  hmmmm.....   

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