Friday, April 15, 2011

Dear Whomever, Post 1:

Although this may be my first post on Blogger, I'm actually a somewhat "seasoned" blogger.  Unfortunately, after 4 years of blogging on another site, it shut down.  :(  I thought about not blogging anymore, but, well...  I enjoy it too much.  

And besides, sometimes starting over is a good thing.  True, probably no one is going to be reading this for a long while, but sometimes just the act of writing itself becomes that needed outlet to see the way through something.  

Being anonymous has its benefits, too.  I've found in my life that when you get too close, too meshed in a group, suddenly there's certain expectations from you.  You SHOULD think THIS way, BE this way, people in said group expect you to be a certain way.  Nothing wrong with that, exactly, but I'm one of the foolish people that tend to conform to others way of thinking rather than truly be myself and actually LIVE MY OWN DARN LIFE ANYWAY I PLEASE!  Ug... and family can sometimes be the worst, but more on that later, I'm sure.  

I'm a mid 30's (gulp) small town girl who plays lots of roles in my life and am trying to figure out from where I've been exactly where I'm going.  And believe me, at the moment I have NO CLUE as to exactly where on earth that is.....  sigh....   

Dear Whomever~  wow.... you actually read to the end?  Thank you.  I'm actually impressed. I have a lot more to say, but tonight my writing voice tells me enough is enough and so, without further adieu, good night!  

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