Thursday, April 28, 2011

Anyone got a tissue?

Argh.  I hate being sick.  Well...  I guess I don't really know ANYONE who actually enjoys it so...  Yesterday I took myself as well as Parrot to the dr's.  I haven't been sleeping well at all due to sinus pressure/headache and probably the most brutal coughing spells I've had in awhile.  Usually I find a way to deal with it, but not this time.  I truly can't even think straight past the pounding in my head.  

All the ladies of the MacKenzie household are on antibiotics.  Pumpkin had conjunctivitis and strep.  Monkey's cough was so bad that the dr thought with the cough and the fact that her older sister had strep it was a good idea she have the antibiotic.  Parrot has conjunctivitis and was on her way to an ear infection.  Me?  sinusitis and possibly a touch of bronchitis.  Fun fun.....  How annoying!!!!  

The worst part to this is that this weekend my in laws are going away and I have to deal with the horses.  Normally this is something I absolutely love to do.  Right at this moment though, ug.  The thought of heaving manure out of 4 stalls definitely does not fill me with joy.  But, whacha gonna do???  

I can't keep my eyes open.  Maybe Parrot and I will snuggle up on the couch and watch tv/sleep for awhile.  Although I should be getting a few things done around the house before catching up on some work papers I brought home, forget it.  It will still be there later tonight.  

Later, all!.....   

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