Saturday, April 16, 2011


Ah... another day done.  I'm glad this one is close to over.  For whatever reason, I've been on the edge of "bitchy" today.  And no... for those of you who like to spew forth answers that I'm really not looking for... it's not PMS.  Been there, done that this month and moving on.  :) 

I'm thinking that maybe it has something to do with the stress of getting ready to move.  For years and years and years my husband and I have been looking for "THE" house.  We had given up and had plans to build, but when a fixer uppper 1850's or so Cape came up for sale, just like in the past we felt compelled to go see it.  And...  it had the IT factor though and through.  This past February we were able to close on it and have been working on fixing it up a little before moving in.  The goal date was to be moved in by Easter, and of course...  this is crunch time.  We've just got to get projects wrapped up.  Now, if only the weather will cooperate.  Our land is still extremely soggy.  In fact, I think if I looked carefully in the woods there are still snow patches.  Ugggg....  therefore, I shall not look into the woods too closely!!!

Haven't even really begun to pack.  The house came partially furnished and we still haven't gotten everything out of there yet....  it's crazy.  My oldest daughter just had her pee wee basketball season end.  Thank goodness!  So much time having to pick her up from practices and going to the game meant not being able to be at the house nearly as much as we wanted.  She doesn't play, but instead is a cheerleader.  She had to cheer at a game on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.  Our time after work went to that rather than the house so we are a little behind.  The hope was to move things in slowly, but at this point... who knows!!!!!  It's frustrating, but I do try to put my trust in the saying that everything will happen when the timing is right....  

Sigh... still, it's so darn hard to wait!!!! :)

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