Day three of being on an antibiotic and I can actually finally say that I'm feeling better! Still having crazy coughing fits off and on and the sinus pressure, if I think about it, is driving me a bit crazy, but I'm just NOT going to think about it, so there nasty sinus bug... Oh... and sneak attacks of snot trying to roll down my chin isn't appreciated either, but well... whacha gonna do??
Or maybe my cheerful mood actually has something to do with the fact that the sun ACTUALLY appeared today. It's been nearly a week. And the temps!!! It got into the 60's!!! amazing, truly.... I had clothes on the line and my downstairs floors got vacummed and mopped where needed. Good day!!!
So this was also the first day this week that I felt well enough to go to the barn. I missed "my" two crazy horses, Sassy and Cinnamon very much. Okay... so the owner name on their paperwork is actually my MiL but there is the odd moment when even she admits that they seem more tuned in with me than her anyway... Horses seem sort of a very touchy subject between us. Perhaps she doesn't sense it because she demands to always be right, however.... After working with Sassy and Cinnamon for the past 3 years as well as spending hours observing the herd and horse antics, I do feel I know a thing or two about them as well.
Up until this move I have groomed them nearly every single day and have been out with them, working them, doing my best to ride (I am definitely NOT a confident rider... YET), and in general just enjoying time spent with them. This week is probably the longest time I have gone without being with them. In some ways it was weird to step into the barn, but even before I ducked under the barn rung that keeps the horses out of the bottom part of the barn (where the grain room is!) it all clicked into place.
My parents in law aren't going to be around tomorrow so I get to go down and get the horses out in the morning as well as bring them back in at night. The plan was to spend the day down there and go through some of the remaining "piles" and items to figure out what to put towards selling, giving to goodwill or the dreaded keep pile. I just have to keep telling myself the that keep pile NEEDS to be SMALL!!! The things I know I have a place for I don't mind bringing, but the things that might just end up in boxes and put into storage... unless there is some serious reason... WHY do it? Oh... and I'm thinking here that being sentimental over it doesn't count either, so.... it could be rough.
Unfortunately, I think Honey is coming down with this head cold mess!!! It will be terrible if he does. I am hoping that the two of us can sort of work together to help keep us both on track in this area. But, we'll wait and see. Pumpkin also is going to be gone. She, along with her school class, will be attending the Shrine Circus. Not for nothing, but to be honest, I really dislike the circus. The animals just seem so.... I don't know. I certainly wouldn't want to be poked and prodded my entire life. Not that fond of clowns, either. They THINK they are being funny but, really???
Oh dear, here we go again with the super stuffy nose and watery eyes. That must be my cue to exit, stage right.... :)
Friday, April 29, 2011
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Anyone got a tissue?
Argh. I hate being sick. Well... I guess I don't really know ANYONE who actually enjoys it so... Yesterday I took myself as well as Parrot to the dr's. I haven't been sleeping well at all due to sinus pressure/headache and probably the most brutal coughing spells I've had in awhile. Usually I find a way to deal with it, but not this time. I truly can't even think straight past the pounding in my head.
All the ladies of the MacKenzie household are on antibiotics. Pumpkin had conjunctivitis and strep. Monkey's cough was so bad that the dr thought with the cough and the fact that her older sister had strep it was a good idea she have the antibiotic. Parrot has conjunctivitis and was on her way to an ear infection. Me? sinusitis and possibly a touch of bronchitis. Fun fun..... How annoying!!!!
The worst part to this is that this weekend my in laws are going away and I have to deal with the horses. Normally this is something I absolutely love to do. Right at this moment though, ug. The thought of heaving manure out of 4 stalls definitely does not fill me with joy. But, whacha gonna do???
I can't keep my eyes open. Maybe Parrot and I will snuggle up on the couch and watch tv/sleep for awhile. Although I should be getting a few things done around the house before catching up on some work papers I brought home, forget it. It will still be there later tonight.
Later, all!.....
All the ladies of the MacKenzie household are on antibiotics. Pumpkin had conjunctivitis and strep. Monkey's cough was so bad that the dr thought with the cough and the fact that her older sister had strep it was a good idea she have the antibiotic. Parrot has conjunctivitis and was on her way to an ear infection. Me? sinusitis and possibly a touch of bronchitis. Fun fun..... How annoying!!!!
The worst part to this is that this weekend my in laws are going away and I have to deal with the horses. Normally this is something I absolutely love to do. Right at this moment though, ug. The thought of heaving manure out of 4 stalls definitely does not fill me with joy. But, whacha gonna do???
I can't keep my eyes open. Maybe Parrot and I will snuggle up on the couch and watch tv/sleep for awhile. Although I should be getting a few things done around the house before catching up on some work papers I brought home, forget it. It will still be there later tonight.
Later, all!.....
Monday, April 25, 2011
It seemed to take forever, but finally we are moved in!!! It feels great. Over Easter we didn't even bother hiding eggs for the girls. They are getting sort of old for that anyway at 11, 7, and 7. Figured we would be hunting enough through boxes trying to find what we needed.
What craziness. On the day we moved my MiL took my two oldest to the dr's because they had such a nasty cough and in general weren't feeling well at all. it worked out well as the youngest, who was a little hesitant to move in (even though she's sharing a room with her twin), was with me and as we moved stuff around and such here, she seemed to love helping out and made the room more "hers". We call her our Parrot because she could be non-stop talking if you don't distract her and find something else for her to do!!! Older of the twins (by 2 minutes) is our Monkey. I think she could live in trees if we let her. Funny though, she really isn't that much of an outside person. She has a heart murmur caused by the membrane close to her aortic valve. She seems to self limit herself. Should conditions change, she'll have to have surgery, but I don't like to think about it.... so... moving on to our oldest.... Her very first Halloween costume was a pumpkin... the name just sort of stuck, to her dismay so we often refer to her as Pumpkin.
Anywhooo.... Pumpkin had strep throat and Monkey's was pretty red, so both got antibiotics. Sunday Parrot and I got up with the itchy throat, cough and well.... we may be on our way to being sick as well. How frustrating!!! I really hope this is just allergies. The trees are really budding here and the pollen count continues to grow. Parrot can't afford to come down with a cold because a few years ago she came down with pneumonia which landed her in the hospital for a few days. It was pretty scary and I don't ever want to have to go through that again!!! I watch her really closely now when she gets cold like symptoms.
We continue to wade though the sea of boxes that is our living room and slowly, hopefully, we'll find the floor... someday. There is still a LOT more at the other house to sort through. To be honest, I don't want anymore here in the house. I figure what we have here is what we REALLY want. I don't want this place to get so cluttered up with "stuff". I'm really trying to go with the less is more theory, simple living and all that. We'll wait and see what happens. I wonder if someday I will look back on this post, read that and start laughing for all I'm worth. hmmmm.....
What craziness. On the day we moved my MiL took my two oldest to the dr's because they had such a nasty cough and in general weren't feeling well at all. it worked out well as the youngest, who was a little hesitant to move in (even though she's sharing a room with her twin), was with me and as we moved stuff around and such here, she seemed to love helping out and made the room more "hers". We call her our Parrot because she could be non-stop talking if you don't distract her and find something else for her to do!!! Older of the twins (by 2 minutes) is our Monkey. I think she could live in trees if we let her. Funny though, she really isn't that much of an outside person. She has a heart murmur caused by the membrane close to her aortic valve. She seems to self limit herself. Should conditions change, she'll have to have surgery, but I don't like to think about it.... so... moving on to our oldest.... Her very first Halloween costume was a pumpkin... the name just sort of stuck, to her dismay so we often refer to her as Pumpkin.
Anywhooo.... Pumpkin had strep throat and Monkey's was pretty red, so both got antibiotics. Sunday Parrot and I got up with the itchy throat, cough and well.... we may be on our way to being sick as well. How frustrating!!! I really hope this is just allergies. The trees are really budding here and the pollen count continues to grow. Parrot can't afford to come down with a cold because a few years ago she came down with pneumonia which landed her in the hospital for a few days. It was pretty scary and I don't ever want to have to go through that again!!! I watch her really closely now when she gets cold like symptoms.
We continue to wade though the sea of boxes that is our living room and slowly, hopefully, we'll find the floor... someday. There is still a LOT more at the other house to sort through. To be honest, I don't want anymore here in the house. I figure what we have here is what we REALLY want. I don't want this place to get so cluttered up with "stuff". I'm really trying to go with the less is more theory, simple living and all that. We'll wait and see what happens. I wonder if someday I will look back on this post, read that and start laughing for all I'm worth. hmmmm.....
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
It's a Bitch Post
Oh dear Divine.... it's only Tuesday???? What a long week it's been so far. Who ever said that moving was fun? I swear, I'd like to find them and rip all their toe nails off.... tee hee.... (eww... okay, actually that's pretty darn gross...) Geesh. My Honey and I just can't seem to get it together. This has been the worst renovation and worst move we have ever made. And believe me... we've made MANY of them.
I swear, when we were first married, we moved at least every 18 months or so for the first 5-6 years. That was actually okay. God, I don't want to think that I'm getting older, but I can't deny the facts.... and it seems the older I become, the longer I want to stay in a place. I don't want to deal with packing up the glasses and moving all the books and figuring out where to put everything anymore. I want to settle. There... I said it. As much as I love a new thing, I want to settle. My roots have been dangling for so long now and I want to sink them in to a place, dig in and enjoy the spot I'm borrowing for now.
I don't get why Honey is making such a fuss. In times past when moving, I unpacked, arranged everything, set everything up for us and he could have cared less. As long as he had his couch, tv and computer, he was a happy camper. Why this time is EVERYTHING such a big frackin deal??? I don't get it. I really don't. Ug.. I don't want to be doing this tomorrow (the moving thing that is, not the blogging... the blogging isn't really that bad..) I suppose... we have our good days and not so good days. With us, today just wasn't one of the better ones.....
I swear, when we were first married, we moved at least every 18 months or so for the first 5-6 years. That was actually okay. God, I don't want to think that I'm getting older, but I can't deny the facts.... and it seems the older I become, the longer I want to stay in a place. I don't want to deal with packing up the glasses and moving all the books and figuring out where to put everything anymore. I want to settle. There... I said it. As much as I love a new thing, I want to settle. My roots have been dangling for so long now and I want to sink them in to a place, dig in and enjoy the spot I'm borrowing for now.
I don't get why Honey is making such a fuss. In times past when moving, I unpacked, arranged everything, set everything up for us and he could have cared less. As long as he had his couch, tv and computer, he was a happy camper. Why this time is EVERYTHING such a big frackin deal??? I don't get it. I really don't. Ug.. I don't want to be doing this tomorrow (the moving thing that is, not the blogging... the blogging isn't really that bad..) I suppose... we have our good days and not so good days. With us, today just wasn't one of the better ones.....
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Ah... another day done. I'm glad this one is close to over. For whatever reason, I've been on the edge of "bitchy" today. And no... for those of you who like to spew forth answers that I'm really not looking for... it's not PMS. Been there, done that this month and moving on. :)
I'm thinking that maybe it has something to do with the stress of getting ready to move. For years and years and years my husband and I have been looking for "THE" house. We had given up and had plans to build, but when a fixer uppper 1850's or so Cape came up for sale, just like in the past we felt compelled to go see it. And... it had the IT factor though and through. This past February we were able to close on it and have been working on fixing it up a little before moving in. The goal date was to be moved in by Easter, and of course... this is crunch time. We've just got to get projects wrapped up. Now, if only the weather will cooperate. Our land is still extremely soggy. In fact, I think if I looked carefully in the woods there are still snow patches. Ugggg.... therefore, I shall not look into the woods too closely!!!
Haven't even really begun to pack. The house came partially furnished and we still haven't gotten everything out of there yet.... it's crazy. My oldest daughter just had her pee wee basketball season end. Thank goodness! So much time having to pick her up from practices and going to the game meant not being able to be at the house nearly as much as we wanted. She doesn't play, but instead is a cheerleader. She had to cheer at a game on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Our time after work went to that rather than the house so we are a little behind. The hope was to move things in slowly, but at this point... who knows!!!!! It's frustrating, but I do try to put my trust in the saying that everything will happen when the timing is right....
Sigh... still, it's so darn hard to wait!!!! :)
I'm thinking that maybe it has something to do with the stress of getting ready to move. For years and years and years my husband and I have been looking for "THE" house. We had given up and had plans to build, but when a fixer uppper 1850's or so Cape came up for sale, just like in the past we felt compelled to go see it. And... it had the IT factor though and through. This past February we were able to close on it and have been working on fixing it up a little before moving in. The goal date was to be moved in by Easter, and of course... this is crunch time. We've just got to get projects wrapped up. Now, if only the weather will cooperate. Our land is still extremely soggy. In fact, I think if I looked carefully in the woods there are still snow patches. Ugggg.... therefore, I shall not look into the woods too closely!!!
Haven't even really begun to pack. The house came partially furnished and we still haven't gotten everything out of there yet.... it's crazy. My oldest daughter just had her pee wee basketball season end. Thank goodness! So much time having to pick her up from practices and going to the game meant not being able to be at the house nearly as much as we wanted. She doesn't play, but instead is a cheerleader. She had to cheer at a game on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Our time after work went to that rather than the house so we are a little behind. The hope was to move things in slowly, but at this point... who knows!!!!! It's frustrating, but I do try to put my trust in the saying that everything will happen when the timing is right....
Sigh... still, it's so darn hard to wait!!!! :)
Friday, April 15, 2011
Dear Whomever, Post 1:
Although this may be my first post on Blogger, I'm actually a somewhat "seasoned" blogger. Unfortunately, after 4 years of blogging on another site, it shut down. :( I thought about not blogging anymore, but, well... I enjoy it too much.
And besides, sometimes starting over is a good thing. True, probably no one is going to be reading this for a long while, but sometimes just the act of writing itself becomes that needed outlet to see the way through something.
Being anonymous has its benefits, too. I've found in my life that when you get too close, too meshed in a group, suddenly there's certain expectations from you. You SHOULD think THIS way, BE this way, people in said group expect you to be a certain way. Nothing wrong with that, exactly, but I'm one of the foolish people that tend to conform to others way of thinking rather than truly be myself and actually LIVE MY OWN DARN LIFE ANYWAY I PLEASE! Ug... and family can sometimes be the worst, but more on that later, I'm sure.
I'm a mid 30's (gulp) small town girl who plays lots of roles in my life and am trying to figure out from where I've been exactly where I'm going. And believe me, at the moment I have NO CLUE as to exactly where on earth that is..... sigh....
Dear Whomever~ wow.... you actually read to the end? Thank you. I'm actually impressed. I have a lot more to say, but tonight my writing voice tells me enough is enough and so, without further adieu, good night!
And besides, sometimes starting over is a good thing. True, probably no one is going to be reading this for a long while, but sometimes just the act of writing itself becomes that needed outlet to see the way through something.
Being anonymous has its benefits, too. I've found in my life that when you get too close, too meshed in a group, suddenly there's certain expectations from you. You SHOULD think THIS way, BE this way, people in said group expect you to be a certain way. Nothing wrong with that, exactly, but I'm one of the foolish people that tend to conform to others way of thinking rather than truly be myself and actually LIVE MY OWN DARN LIFE ANYWAY I PLEASE! Ug... and family can sometimes be the worst, but more on that later, I'm sure.
I'm a mid 30's (gulp) small town girl who plays lots of roles in my life and am trying to figure out from where I've been exactly where I'm going. And believe me, at the moment I have NO CLUE as to exactly where on earth that is..... sigh....
Dear Whomever~ wow.... you actually read to the end? Thank you. I'm actually impressed. I have a lot more to say, but tonight my writing voice tells me enough is enough and so, without further adieu, good night!
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