Saturday, May 14, 2011


Another ridiculous week has passed.  Unfortunately I'm not expecting much for the coming one as well.  

Finances are SUPER TIGHT right now.  I'm trying to get in as many extra work hours as I can.  So, with that, keeping up with things here at home, dealing with the horses, family and other things...  needless to say, I'm tired!!!  

I just want a day all to myself!!!!  SIGH>>>>  I know what I need, but can't seem to find he means to obtain it.  

Today while the girls are gone, Chris and I are going back over to our previous house.  It's frustrating to still not be completely cleaned out of that place so....  while we are kidless for awhile, we are going back over to try and get as much done as we can.  Can't believe how much the girls squirreled away in their room.  But now, after this amount of time, if they really wanted it, they would have taken it by now so....  most of it is either heading towards goodwill or the dump.  

Now it is up to me to just LET THINGS GO!!!  If they don't want the last Christmas gift that their grandfather gave to them, I have to respect that, even if it has sentimental meaning to me.  I CERTAINLY don't want this place cluttered up so if it can't stay there and can't come here....  


Actually... did I blog about this before???  I have a sense of deja vu....  Perhaps I wrote about it in my journal?  Oh dear....  yep...  I really do need a mental health day before I completely loose it!!!!!!!  yikes!!!!  

*photo courtesy of photobucket


  1. MacKenzie:

    When you move is the time to get rid of "stuff" that you no longer want or need. My wife and I have done that several times. I think it about time, after 20 years in our present home, to move again. :^)

  2. Good morning, Whit! When I first got married we moved nearly every year or so and did our "spring cleaning" that way. It WAS wonderful!!!! 20 years??? yep.... Perhaps it's overdue??? but if you love the place... hmmm.... :) Have a great day!!!
