Tuesday, June 7, 2011

No time to Play...

I don't know WHAT'S going on, but things have been so busy and hectic around here....  Work has been absolutely insane getting therapy plans out and into the State for funding purposes.  It's a little frustrating because when my new co-worker came on board, I mentioned, even gave a list of when the plans were due.  Suddenly, plans were on the verge of running out.  Once the date is past, work with the client has to stop which means upset parents as well as upset workers.  

In the past week and a half I've scrambled to put together 7 pre-meeting packets.  Then my co-worker takes them, does the actual team meeting, finalizes the packet and gives it back to me for distribution.  It's a lot of paperwork to shuffle around and signature page 1 may have to go to everyone, but only section 3 goes to the case manager, the guardians only receive sections 1 through 3, and a copy of release forms. State funding needs sections 1-4 and also a copy of the psychological to prove that the client needs such services to begin with.  And...  I need a full copy of everything to put in each client's case management books.  

When the cycle is spread out throughout the year it's not so bad.  This though... ridiculous!  And the thing is...  the chaos of the past week could have been prevented.  I never know quite what to do in those situations.  I verbally reminded both my MiL (who runs the entire program) and my new co-worker well over a month ago that things were coming due.  The co-worker (who is new within the past 2 months) whose actual job it is to make sure these are done also received the written list I gave her. When a week went by and nothing happened.  Finally I did start making a little more noise about it and suddenly things started kicking into place.  She did say she DOESN'T want to be doing that again so hopefully it will all even out.  Only.... now that these past 7 meetings were held in May, there will be 7 quarterly reports due the same time, 7 six month reports due at the same time and so on.     Bleck.... Well, at least now I know that it is coming.  

Around the house, we are trying to make a plan of attack for the winter.  May sound a little weird, but we all ready know some of the projects we have to tackle.  This house is COLD!  (I'm sure I've mentioned that before....)  Slowly we are going to start getting replacement windows in here.  The materials the former owners used to back around the cellar is all falling apart, plaster in the ell is coming down so we can insulate in there.  Chris really doesn't want to spend the time on a garden, but I'm being a little persistent about it.  It doesn't have to be anything big...  yet he can't seem to get the tiller going and he really doesn't want to take the time to do it in the first place.  But he will...  I'm determined even though I'm walking the balance between nagging and er... not nagging.  :)  There's other outside work to be done as well.  There's a tree that rests on the power lines.  It's not really very pretty either so it will eventually come down over the summer.  One of our flowering bushes isn't doing so well so we are going to SERIOUSLY cut it back nearly to the ground.  It's one that quickly grows back and although it might not flower next year, it barely did this year so I think whatever we do to it in the end won't hurt.  Unfortunately, the birds love to sit in that bush.  Perhaps if we move the feeders closer to the lilac bushes they will continue to come over the winter...  We'll just see...  

Look at the time.  I was supposed to be down taking care of the horses half an hour ago!  Life could slow down a little....  I certainly wouldn't mind!!!!  

Hope you all are staying cool.  While watching the weather report it was mentioned that some parts of the US were having such massive heat waves.  The heat isn't really reaching this part of Maine, sorry to say.  Okay...  I'd hate to have it too hot, but the house temp is still only reading 63.  Sigh.....  oh 70-low 80's weather...  you could stay for a nice visit....  I certainly won't mind!!!  We are getting more sun these days, but at night the furnace still kicks on!!!  It's crazy!  

And with that....  Cheers!    
*image courtesy of Photobucket


  1. MacKenzie:

    I think the work on the house should take top priority, and after that, the garden.

    The weather here in Southern California has been cooler so far this June.

  2. Oh sure Whit... side with the only male in the house.... tee hee... Actually, I do truly do understand (with my head mind you) that this year might not be the very best year to start a garden. However, my heart is screaming loudly for one. I really want to do some canning and just having fresh veggies that I've nurtured myself is a big deal to me. Even if we just get lettuce, green beans and zucchini, that would be wonderful. See... I'm quite willing to compromise and if he could just get the soil ready for one row instead of three or four... I would be happy with that!!!! I admit, I'll be disappointed if it doesn't happen, but I understand at the same time.... :) Take care, Whit!!!
