Monday, September 5, 2011

End of Summer Vacation

I know that probably most schools have opened their doors and classes are back in session.  After getting out so late this past year, one would think that maybe our school district would start a little earlier-- like all the other districts around us have.  But, of course not. Well, hopefully there is that unforeseen reason for everything.  The girls start their first day of school tomorrow.  

As a parent, of course I hope that they have had a good vacation.  I admit that we probably didn't to half of what we had planned in the beginning of the summer, but well....  go with the flow I guess.  A few weeks ago we spend a week in Rhode Island with extended family.  Day excursions included seeing some of the Newport mansions as well as visiting Sturbridge village.  Talk about both ends of the spectrum!  :)  

I've been trying to make the girls last week a fun one.  From horse back riding to beach time to just simple crafts and whatnot around the house I know that I at least have really enjoyed the past week.  I admit- I am looking forward to upcoming alone time.  Of course, during the fall season I plan to spend a great deal of time at the barns.  Yes, barn with a plural s.  This past summer has been a bit of an eye opener for me.  I'd discovered that my MiL and I really do seem to have some different views on what I feel are basic fundamental principles.  I don't feel completely comfortable anymore in the barn, yet I've made such a connection with Sassy and Cinnamon that I can't break the tie completely.  I'm not sure quite what the future hold for me there. 

However, I have been able to reconnect with the wonderful woman who first opened her barn doors to me and as a complete "newbie" let me learn and interact with her horses.  I love working with her.  She allows me to do my own thing in my own time frame.  If she wants to try something with a horse and I'm just not feeling comfortable with it, I can tell her and it's no problem whatsoever.  I feel extremely comfortable around her and it's been so wonderful going over there and actually riding!  She has been working with her Friesian for 12 years now and this past year her horse has grown in leaps and bounds.  I've been able to ride him which is helping me get my confidence and balance in the saddle.  She also has a little spitfire yearling and together we have started doing some work with her, too.  I have to be careful.  I think I could fall in love with this little filly.  I don't want to because I could find myself in the same situation as I am in now with Sassy, but still....  I could.

We are definitely seeing signs of the autumn season upon us.  Some of the swamp maples all ready have a few red branches mingling with the green.  We are in the process now of winterizing the house.  Nights drop down into the 50's and the day time hours, if sunny can still reach 70's maybe low 80's.  Not QUITE sweater season, but I've noticed over the past two weeks that the tank tops I usually wear during the summer are being pushed aside for t-shirts, even long sleeved ones on some days.  

I do hope with less active seasons nearing that I am going to have more time to do some blogging.  True, this place doesn't still feel like home, but I hope over time it will feel less like a hotel and more comfortable.  Maybe I just haven't given it much of a chance.  I will admit I've been journaling a lot more than blogging.  Swearing and throwing a temper tantrum in a journal is a little less daunting that throwing it out for the whole wide world to ponder.  tee hee....  I also want to figure out how to get my own photos on here.  I admit, I really haven't taken much time to learn the ins and outs of this site.  Maybe I'll make it a goal or project over the winter time to do so...  we'll see...  

Anywhoo... it did feel good to come back and check in with Wandering Through the Fire.  I should not put it off for so long!!!  

Cheers!! :)  


  1. MacKenzie:

    Sounds like you had a busy summer. Now you can get back to talking about horses again. :^)

  2. Hi Whit! sorry for taking so long to comment back. YES!!!! Horse Talk once again!!!!! :)
