Friday, July 8, 2011

Just plain craziness

So the other morning I woke my daughters up as we had an appointment and Monkey grumbled a bit and she sat up and looked at me with the most mournful expression and said, "This is just horrible.  My summer isn't going AT ALL like I had planned...."  :)  And I understand.  I wanted to say "Mine either, sweetie!"  

It's really been one thing after another.  Our summer feels nearly gone even though it's not quite half over.  Chris and I did take the last weekend in June and dropped the girls off for an over night with their grandparents.  We had big plans, but ended up just doing a little window shopping before being so tired and wanting to come home.  

The girls were very excited for the 4th of July this year.  Their enthusiasm caught on and we bought a few decorations for the outside of the house.  Chris spent the Saturday before working really hard in the yard and it still looks great.  

Because last week was filled with all sorts of things going on, I got my work hours in by going from 6-10 at night.  Really messed up my "internal clock" but hopefully by next week a schedule will begin to smooth.  I have my mom coming one day a week, my mother in law is watching the girls another day and the 3rd day I either have to get my hours in here at home or I'll be doing another evening at work.  

It's interesting.  When we first moved out of the house last April we were told not to worry about cleaning and that we could even take our time getting the rest of our things out because nothing was going to happen to the house until late autumn.  And then, the plans were only to gut it out as my in-laws have ideas for what they want to do with the space.  Then a few weeks ago, they decided they really wanted the space in the basement so could we just start moving things from the basement up at least to the living room.  Okay.  
Tuesday we found out that a member of the family is needing a place to stay so my in-laws offered him use of the house.  He is arriving.....  this weekend.  It was agreed upon that we can still use the girls room for storage, but he'll have the rest of the place.  

I understand that things come up.  Truly I do.  However, wow...  what an inconvenience for us.  I was supposed to work yesterday but instead I found myself at the other house for over 6 hours.  The bedroom is all cleaned and ready.  The bathroom is as sparkly as it can be (cleaning without hot water as it was turned off froze my hand a bit, but the weather has been hot and humid lately so it wasn't as bad as it could have been), the kitchen cupboards and appliances (we WERE supposed to get the stove but I don't know now...) have all been cleaned.  Most of the living room was done yesterday, too.  AND....  because I wasn't sure how it was going to work to bring things up from the basement and store in the back bedroom, over half the stored items in the basement have either come here or are up in the "storage" bedroom.  

My thoughts about this are really jumbled.  I'm truly happy that our cousin is going to be in the area, at least for the summer if not longer.  He's going through some rough times and a change of scenery for him hopefully will do the trick. He's such a great person. I'm glad that there is a place for him to go where he can be with family as he wants but will also be able to have his own space, too.  It's just hard for me to be told and to expect one thing and then to have to completely change gears suddenly.  If I wasn't told so abruptly and matter of fact by my MiL, would this have felt differently? Am I only being selfish and thinking of my own agenda?  Maybe I'm just way too ultra-sensitive for my own good.  Time to chalk this up to an "It's just life" situation and move on.  

Well, I certainly hadn't thought to let that all out when I sat down to the computer.  I was just going to run through an outline of life's happenings and be off once again.  I have to get down to tend the horses and then it's back to finishing up the house.  And do laundry, and make sure the girls get done what they need to... and go to the store and...  Okay.. let's just leave it at that....  

Until next time...  Cheers!